Repair Shop
We Have the Expertise and Facilities to Meet Your Needs
Our repair shop in Williston offers rebuilding service for Kimray production valves, pumps, Western Chemical pumps, rod rotators and stuffing boxes. Our experienced service technicians are equipped with the tools and knowledge to completely rebuild your Kimray production valves, pumps, Western Chemical pumps, rod rotators and stuffing boxes. Our process is to disassemble, wash, sand blast, paint rebuild and test. We take pride in our quality of work and providing excellent customer service.
Double EE Service provides field service to customers in North Dakota and Eastern Montana. If our field service professionals confront a problem they cannot solve in the field, they can bring the valve or pump to our repair shop to solve the problem.
Brands We Repair
Kimray Valves
Dump Valves
Glycol Pumps
Western Chemical Pumps
Beam Pumps
Electric Pumps
Pneumatic Pumps
Graco Pumps
Metering Pumps
Single/Dual Head Chemical Pumps
Diaphragm Pumps
Pneumatic Pumps
Rod Rotators​
Stuffing Boxes
Please reach out to us with any questions regarding additional oilfield equipment needing repair. We may be able to help!